2008. december 29.


I gave up on tesseract, so now I'm modifying the photos I took to a smaller size, and attaching them in a PDF with gscan2pdf.

I installed ImageMagick with synaptic, and found the matching script on it's webpage.
I had to modify this script, because convert didn't find the
Now it looks like this:
convert eredeti.JPG -background white -flatten -colorspace Gray -negate -edge 1 -negate -normalize -sharpen 1 -threshold 50% -despeckle -blur 0x.5 -normalize +dither -posterize 8 verzio_dit3.gif
Since I want to modify a lot of images, I tried to do this simple, so I tried to use these tricks:
- input filename globbing (convert *.JPG [outputfilename])
- output filename references (convert *.jpg myimage-%d.jpg) which should produce myimage-1.jpg, myimage-2.jpg, etc.
However, the output just didn't want to work. It always gave me a single file: the last file. But the procedure was so long, I think the program did the work, just saved all the images over that one file.

To see if this is only because of the older version (2.4) of the program, I tried to install, the newest version(2.6). It installed well, however, something went wrong, and I got the following error while trying to use convert
error while loading shared libraries:libMagickCore.so.1
Now I'm reinstalling, following these tips
./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib"
Installation was a success.

However, converting more files at once still doesn't work.

2008. december 15.



With Synaptic Package Manager:

Open the Software Sources Window:
- Synaptic Package Manager: Settings -> Repositories.
Make sure you have universe, multiverse and restricted sources checked in the first tab.
Click on tab Third Party. Click on the Add button and enter your chosen repository (for me the next line):
deb http://giss.tv/~vale/ubuntu64 ./
(for AMD64 (and also Core Duo Intel64), by Valentina Messeri)

Clicking Add Source will display the new repository enabled in the Software Sources window.
You should now see Cinelerra in the list of packages available in Synaptic.
Follow Synaptic instructions for installation.

2008. november 26.


Guided with the idea of language files not being separated in tesseract versions below 2.0, so that training will be not supported, I tried to install a newer version from source.
The winner was 2.01. with the ./configure, make and sudo make install it went well. I only had to install the language files manually. I downloaded the 2.00 language files, and overwrited the 0 byte files in the /user/local/share/tessdata.

Now it works fine. I only have to train it for Hungarian.
I also want to find an easier way to prepare the images...

2008. november 22.

gnokii again

I get this when I try to:

~$ gnokii --identify

GNOKII Version 0.6.27
Unsupported [global] connection value "bluetooth"
Couldn't read /home/user/.gnokiirc config file.
No connection type specified in the config file.
Now what shall I do? ...

I varied some thing in synaptic like:
installed "bluetooth", uninstalled "bluez-cups", installed "gnome-bluetooth" and "libbluetooth-dev"
than I installed gnokii from source, and it worked! (at the end of the configuration check if bluetooth is marked "yes" for installation!)

2008. október 28.

MPlayer ?!?

I ran into the following problem:

VDec: vo config request - 1280 x 720 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 1280x720 => 1280x720 Planar YV12
aspect: Warning: no suitable new res found!
X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)?,?% 0 0

MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: vo_check_events
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and
won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.
I found this:
MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module vo_check_events or this error
"X11 error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)" using an intel card
  • add Option "LinearAlloc" "8192" to xorg.conf and restart X
I added the line Option "LinearAlloc" "8192" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the Device section, restarted X (ctrl+alt+backspace) and voila, it works.

2008. október 17.

Gutsy vs HP-Compaq TC4400 Checklist

  • Pen with tablet - WORKING
  • Pen buttons - WORKING
  • Pen Activated Tablet buttons - NOT WORKING
  • Scroll button on tablet edge - WORKING
  • Ctrl-Alt-Del button - WORKING
  • Fingerprint Sensor - not tested
  • Ambient Light Sensor - not tested
  • Wired Network - WORKING
  • Wireless Network - WORKING
  • Modem - not tested
  • Bluetooth - WORKING
  • Infrared - not tested
  • PC Card - not tested
Other Interfaces:
  • External Monitor - not tested
  • S-Video TV Out - not tested
  • USB 2.0 - WORKING
  • Docking Connector - not tested
  • Accessory Battery Connector - not tested
  • LED Status Indicators - WORKING
Sounds & Audio
  • Mono speaker - WORKING
  • Line Out / Headphone - WORKING
  • Internal Mic - WORKING
  • External Mic - WORKING
Keyboard, Mouse, Buttons:
  • Touchpad & Mouse Buttons & Side Scroll - WORKING
  • Pointstick & Mouse Buttons - WORKING
  • Function Keys & Number Pad - WORKING
  • Additional Buttons - WORKING
I think this is it. Did I leave something out?

SD card slot

I just tried out the SD Card Slot. It works perfectly.

2008. október 16.


For some reasons after the latest ubuntu update xrandr just doesn't want to work. I don't know exactly why, but adding the following line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf solved the problem. Idea is from here.
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Inte$
Driver "i810"
BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
Option "RandRRotation" "true"

2008. szeptember 23.


I had to install an .msi - I used wine (installed through synaptic) - It worked :-)

Check out: the wine FAQ page

Convertig Tiff to PDF

sudo apt-get install libtiff-tools

# tiff2pdf tiff_akármi_file.tiff -z -o pdf_akármi_file.pdf

2008. szeptember 13.

[SOLVED] flash & amd64 with nspluginwrapper on gutsy

open synaptic

install flashplugin-nonfree and nspluginwrapper

download latest flash plugin and
# sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so

# sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so

restart firefox


idea comes from here.

Of course it does'nt work perfect: I can watch maybe 1 or 2 videos, and than it quits, and I have to restart firefox....

After all, this doesn't work. So what remains: 32bit firefox again.

installing nspluginwrapper 2.

during make I run into the following problem:

agi@Alice:~/programok/nspluginwrapper-1.0.0$ make
gcc -std=c99 -m32 -o npviewer.bin npviewer-npw-viewer.o npviewer-npw-rpc.o npviewer-rpc.o npviewer-debug.o npviewer-utils.o npviewer-npruntime.o npviewer-cxxabi-compat.o -m32 -Llsb-build-i386 -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -ldl -lglib-2.0 -lX11 -lXt -ldl -lpthread -lgthread-2.0 -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--version-script,/home/agi/programok/nspluginwrapper-1.0.0/src/npw-viewer.map -lsupc++
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/libsupc++.a when searching for -lsupc++
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/libsupc++.a when searching for -lsupc++
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsupc++
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [npviewer.bin] Error 1
So, what to do?

2008. szeptember 12.

GNASH again

so again: feisty, than updated to gutsy.
installed firefox gnash, but youtube videos don't play. gnash 0.8.1

now trying out gnash 0.8.2

- install synaptic packages: g++
- errors:
ERROR: No libxml2 development package installed!
or .deb users: apt-get install libxml2-dev

ERROR: No KDE development package installed!
or .deb users: apt-get install kdelibs-dev
now ./configure again

ERROR: GST media handling requested but gstreamer-0.10+ not found
Install it from http://www.gstreamer.net
or .deb users: apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-dev

WARNING: CURL library not found.
or .deb users: apt-get install libcurl3-dev

ERROR: No AGG development package installed!
Install it from http://www.antigrain.com
or .deb users: apt-get install libagg-dev

ERROR: No BOOST development package installed!
Install it from http://www.boost.org
or .deb users: apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev

now ./configure again

ERROR: No BOOST development package installed!
Install it from http://www.boost.org
or .deb users: apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev

now ./configure again

ERROR: The BOOST date_time library is needed!
Install it from http://boost.org
or .deb users: apt-get install libboost-date-time-dev

now ./configure again

no errors remain

- errors:
make[2]: *** [libgnashbase_la-extension.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `gnash-0.8.2llibbase'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `gnash-0.8.2'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I don't know what to do with this.

2008. szeptember 8.

...and gutsy again

So I updated again to Gutsy, and found out, that the cause of the xournal and X freezing and stopping to do anything is the modified LinuxWacom. As never before, after updated to Gutsy, and installed modified LinuxWacom again, the 3 onscreen button worked, and produced the same error as in feisty. So I installed the official LinuxWacom, now the 3 button doesn't work, but Xournal don't freeze.

2008. szeptember 7.

installing nspluginwrapper 1.

I reinstalled feisty, because during trying to install gnash I installed and uninstalled so many packages, I had to make it normal again.

so I downloaded nspluginwrapper 1.0.0 tar.gz, unpacked it, went to the directory, and
sudo make install
during make I got some errors, so I had to install following packages:
  • libc6-dev-i386
  • g++
  • gcc
  • xorg-dev
  • libgtk2.0-dev
  • libc6-dev
I may missed something.
I could install it, but it still doesn't work. I get these error messages:
*** NSPlugin Viewer *** preloader not found
nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for libflashplayer.so

2008. szeptember 6.

youtube & firefox & amd64

1. 32bit firefox --> works
2. gnash --> following the instructions: don't work.
3. nspluginwrapper --> don't work (ia32-libs newer version not available on feisty)

installing GNASH

Trying to get firefox play flash files (youtube) I'm installing Gnash.
Earlier I tried installing 32bit firefox, and that's working.

Now I'm following these instructions.

There was a lot of missing packages, I finished with 2 warnings remaining, because I didn't find them in synaptic.

There was some problem with not finding G++. Following this and this, making a symbolic link solved this problem:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-3.3 /usr/bin/g++

make is extremly slow, I hope it will work.
--> no luck:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [libgnashserver.la] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/agi/Desktop/gnash-0.8.3/server'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/agi/Desktop/gnash-0.8.3/server'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/agi/Desktop/gnash-0.8.3'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I don't know what to do...

Back to feisty

Somehow I found that Gutsy is a bit slow for me, and I reinstalled Feisty. I don't know why, but now my upper menu bar is english, but the submenus are hungarian, as they should be. And the second time I wanted to boot the new Feisty, it froze.

Another thing, that came up: partitioning the winchester: if not automated, you have to make 2 real and a logical partition.
device /dev/sda1 directory / type ex3 size 15000 MB
device /dev/sda2 directory /home type ex3 size 65000 MB
device /dev/sda5 directory type swap size 2500 MB (logical, at the end)

2008. augusztus 21.

2008. augusztus 8.

Installing Skype on 64 bit

I found the solution here.
It says:

Gutsy (7.10), Feisty (7.04), and Edgy (6.10) installs:

64-bit install (or upgrade) skype 2.0 (with video):
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2; wget -N boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu; sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb; sudo getlibs /usr/bin/skype
64-bit webcam problems:
See here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634393 for instructions on how to get your webcam to work if it doesn't.

After installing Skype you can run it from your (Applications-->Internet) Menu at the top left of your screen.

2008. augusztus 6.

Using Gnokii

File options:
--getfilelist remote_path
--getfiledetailsbyid [id]
--getfileid remote_filename
--getfile remote_filename [local_filename]
--getfilebyid id [local_filename]
--getallfiles remote_path
--putfile local_filename remote_filename
--deletefile remote_filename
--deletefilebyid id
To get the phone's directory and filelist:
gnokii --getfilelist 'A:\*'
  • --getfilelist 'A:\*' (should show files stored in internal memory)
  • --getfilelist 'B:\*' (should show files stored in external memory, eg. a miniSD or microSD card)
To copy files TO the mobile:
gnokii --putfile /home/username/Desktop/proba.mp3 'A:\predefgallery\predeftones\predefringtones\proba.mp3'

To use GETALLFILES you have to go to the directory you want to copy files.
cd /home/username/Desktop
~/Desktop$ gnokii --getallfiles 'A:\predefgallery\predefrecordings\*'

To get files FROM the mobile:

gnokii --getfile 'A:\predefgallery\predefrecordings\Hang000.amr' /home/username/Desktop/Hang000.amr

or go to the directory you want to copy ad don't type the local path.

Connecting my Nokia 2630 via Bluetooth to Ubuntu

--> gnokii.org

I downloaded a previous version of gnokii from synaptic package manager, then I downloaded the newest gnokii from gnokii.org download site.

As instructed I've run "./configure" and "make" as user and "make install" as root.

Then I edited the configuration file:
sudo gedit /etc/gnokiirc

I had to comment out lines from port, model and connection sections, and I had to uncomment lines for:

model = series40
port = aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
connection = bluetooth
rfcomm_channel = 1

Actually the "model=series40" I had to type in.
To get the mac address of your phone's bluetooth device type *#2820# in your phone.
I checked rfcomm channel with "sdptool search DUN"

In /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf I found that the "Default PIN code for incoming connections" is "1234".

After this, when I run "gnokii --identify" the connection worked, and I used the passkey "1234" for both the phone and the PC.

2008. augusztus 1.

How to play dvd from nrg image

Applications --> Add --> Gmount ISO

sudo mkdir /media/dvd
sudo ln -s /media/dvd /dev/dvd

Gmount ISO --> mount point --> /media/dvd

mplayer dvd://1

that's it.

2008. július 19.

Ubuntu and ADSL

Open the Terminal and type: pppoeconf

Follow the instructions!

Turn on the DSL: pon dsl-provider
Turn off the DSL: poff
Check the status of your connection: sudo ifconfig ppp0

2008. június 15.

Updating to Gutsy

After some time the pen just crashed: after using the pen none of the pointing devices would do a click.
So I updated to Gutsy.
- the scroll joystick on the edge of the monitor works out os the box.
- the 3 tablet button just don't work with the previous script.
- I had to reinstall linuxwacom to fix the pen buttons.
- Firefox works with Flash :-)
- I had to change the rotate script to this:
if [ -n "$(xrandr | grep "768x1024+0+0 right")" ]; then
 xrandr -o inverted
 xsetwacom set "stylus" Rotate 3
 if [ -n "$(xrandr | grep "1024x768+0+0 inverted")" ]; then
 xrandr -o normal
 xsetwacom set "stylus" Rotate NONE
 if [ -n "$(xrandr | grep "1024x768+0+0")" ]; then
 xrandr -o right
 xsetwacom set "stylus" Rotate CW

2008. június 10.

making the USB work...

sudo nano /etc/fstab

comment out the cd-rom line like this:

# /dev/sdb1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

2008. június 7.

problems #5

OSK - OnScreen Keyboard.

Well... onboard is installed, but I can't open it, so I consider is broken or something.
I tried Cellwriter, but it's only for i368 or whatever, but not for amd64.
Right now ubuntu packages is down, so i'll try synaptic with
1.) GOK. - However this was too complicated for me.
2.) Matchbox OSK

... I updated to Gutsy, I'll check this out later...

2008. június 4.

problems #4

I have Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) and kernel version 2.6.20-16-generic.
I'll try to set up my wifi using this site.

I don't have any errors reported for modprobe mac80211, and lsmod lists the modul, so I only have to install the iwl3945.

While trying to make I get this error:
mh@Alice:~/Desktop/iwlwifi-1.2.25$ make
Makefile:25: WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash.
Makefile:26: If you experience build errors, try
Makefile:27: 'make SHELL=/bin/bash'.
Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source'
chmod: "compatible/*" nem érhető el: Nincs ilyen fájl vagy könyvtár
/bin/sh: cannot create compatible/kversion: Directory nonexistent
Makefile has been modified by generate_compatible, please run `make' again

make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1
I linked the folders:
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` /lib/modules/`uname -r`/source
I get error message:

mac80211 headers not found in:


Please install the mac80211 subsystem.

How to get the 3 onscreen tablet buttons working?


1. Download the latest LinuxWacom.
2. Install the following packages through Synaptic:
  • tcl8.4
  • tcl8.4-dev
  • tk8.4
  • tk8.4-dev
  • xserver-xorg-dev
  • libncurses5-dev
...and dependancies.

3. Unpack the linuxwacom tar.gz
4. Modify the /src/xdrv/wcmISDV4.c as follows (add the lines in blue):
/* Coordinate data bit check */
if (data[0] & 0x40)
if ((int)data[0] == 0xc1)
if (data[1] & 0x07)
ds = &common->wcmChannel[0].work;
/* Now fool it into thiking it's in proximity */
ds->proximity = 1;
ds->buttons = ((data[1] & 0x07) << 3);
return common->wcmPktLength;
5. Modify the src/xdrv/wcmCommon.c as follows (one change in blue)
* xf86WcmSendButtons --
* Send button events by comparing the current button mask with the
* previous one.

static void xf86WcmSendButtons(LocalDevicePtr local, int buttons, int rx, int ry,
int rz, int v3, int v4, int v5)
int button, mask, bsent = 0;
WacomDevicePtr priv = (WacomDevicePtr) local->private;
WacomCommonPtr common = priv->common;
DBG(6, priv->debugLevel, ErrorF("xf86WcmSendButtons "
"buttons=%d for %s\n", buttons, local->name));

/* Tablet PC buttons. */
if ( common->wcmTPCButton && !IsCursor(priv) && !IsPad(priv) && !IsEraser(priv) )
if ( buttons & 57 )
if ( !(priv->flags & TPCBUTTONS_FLAG) )
priv->flags |= TPCBUTTONS_FLAG;

bsent = 0;

/* send all pressed buttons down */
for (button=2; button<=MAX_BUTTONS; button++) { mask = 1 << (button-1); if ( buttons & mask ) { bsent = 1; /* set to the configured button */ sendAButton(local, button-1, 1, rx, ry, rz, v3, v4, v5); } }
6. Go to the folder in the Terminal and type:
sudo make
7. Now you should have a wacom_drv.so in the /src/xdrv directory. Make a backup of your old wacom_drv.so:

sudo mv /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/wacom_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/wacom_drv.so.bak
and copy the new one over:

cd src/xdrv
sudo cp wacom_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/wacom_drv.so
8. Edit your profile:
sudo nano /etc/profile

# enable buttons on HP TC4400
xsetwacom set stylus Button2 "3"
xsetwacom set stylus Button4 "core key shift F1"
xsetwacom set stylus Button5 "core key shift F2"
xsetwacom set stylus Button6 "core key shift F3"

9. Reboot.

10. Set the global keybindings and keybinding commands in the Configuration Editor /Apps /Metacity:
Global Keybindings:
run_command_1 F1

Keybinding Commands:
command_1 xournal
command_2 sh /usr/bin/rotate.sh
command_3 [onscreen keyboard - I don't use it yet]
Thanks to Ubuntu Forum Community.

[SOLVED] problems #3

I'm working on activating the 3 tablet buttons.

I already tried this method, but I sucked at assigning programs to the mouse buttons.

This other method somehow didn't work for me, but I will try again...

...I tried again, and it worked!

Where to find the XFree86 build environment?

Trying to make the 3 tablet-buttons alive I run into the following problem while trying to compile LinuxWacom, and found on the internet no solutions to it. I mean I can't find the XFree86 build environment or the Xorg SDK.
checking if wacom_drv.{o,so} should be compiled... configure: WARNING: requires Xorg SDK or XFree86 build environment, wacom_drv not built

checking for XSERVER... checking for valid Xorg SDK... "xf86Version.h missing"
Tried /usr/include, /usr/include/xorg, and /usr/xc/include

Solution: install Xserver-Xorg-Dev with syaptic package manager.

2008. június 1.

problems #2 - Xournal

After some time Xournal just didn't start.
I got a tip, that this is the software-s problem, and I should use another handwriting-notepad. Next step is to find one.

For Xournal I had to reinstall ubuntu, hoping Xournal starts, because I saved some important notes in its format.

NEWS: Actually, I reinstalled Ubuntu, and installed the newest Xournal ( according to the instructions on the xournal homepage. I hope it will work. From now on I will save everything to pdf :-)

How to connect to another PC? (Windows)

System / Administration / Share Folders -> set up folder sharing.

To reach your Ubuntu using laptop from a Windows you must set up a password for the Ubuntu.

I found the solution here.

It says:
sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME
sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
You should use your username, and it is preferred to give not the same password as your root password, because windows will store it.

2008. május 31.

Sound control buttons & No Sound problem

Volume Control buttons:
I opened the System / Preferences / Hotkeys and redefined the buttons for sound controlling.

No Sound problem:
This was very trivial...
I opened the Volume Control and found the PCM mute :-)

Making Firefox work with Flash and Java plugin

I found a great solution on this page:

It is based on installing a 32bit version Firefox.
Follow the instructions on the page :-)

Follow this guide to enable universe and multiverse repositories.

How to rotate the display?

The scripts I use now to rotate the display can be copied from this post.

I found a great soultion on this page!

It needs a little alternation, so I'll copy and modify it here.

Which program to use to take notes?

The answer is: Xournal.
You can download Xournal with synaptic package manage. After installing it will be in the programs / tools menu.

(Note that I'm using hungarian ubuntu, so I'm just trying to translate the menu names :-))

To make the eraser tip to work go to the Options menu, and activate the "Eraser tip" option.
To make the pen button work as a highlighter go to the Options menu and choose highlighter in Button2 Mapping submenu.
Installing Xournal:

You have to download these packages through Synaptic Package Manager before doing anything:
  • libgnomecanvas2-dev
  • libgnomeprint2.2-dev
  • libgnomeprintui2.2-dev
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • xpdf
... and dependancies.

Compilation and Installation

Download the Xournal distribution tar.gz file, and unpack it. (it will be a folder)

Go to the folder in the Terminal and type:

sudo ./install-binary

(and upgrade GTK+ and the other libraries if needed).

Then type:

sudo make install
sudo make desktop-install

Configure error message:
If autogen.sh generates the error message configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0 libgnomecanvas-2.0 >= 2.4.0 libgnomeprintui-2.2 >= 2.0.0) not met even though you have sufficiently recent versions of these libraries on your system, then you need to install some missing development packages.

Problems #1

I've already installed Wacom-tools and Xserver-Xorg-Input-Wacom.
I didn't install Wacom-Kernel-Source, because it gave me some errors like kernel versions don't match.

So the first problems:
- pen button to right button - solved
- advanced input setting in gimp: can't modify the settings for the pen. -solved
- how to rotate the display - solved
- which program to use to note - solved
- can't install flash plugin under firefox - solved
- how to transfer files with bluetooth from my Nokia phone like in the Windows nokia software -solved
- problems with sounds (adjusting buttons, mic-in, headphone, NO SOUND!) -solved
- how to connect to another computer (using windows) -solved

Installing Ubuntu form USB Pendrive

Making USB pendrive bootable in Windows XP
1. Format your pendrive
2. Use SYSLINUX 3.63 to make pendrive bootable:
go to the syslinux folder in command line, and type:

syslinux.exe -s -a -m k:

where k: is the drive letter of YOUR pendrive.

Copying the installation files
1. Copy all the files (including hidden files!) from ubuntu install CD to pendrive.
2. Rename the isolinux directory to syslinux and rename the file isolinux.cfg inside this directory to syslinux.cfg .

Boot from pendrive
1. Adjust your BIOS settings to boot from pendrive.

Installing Ubuntu
1. Click install in the live-cd. Follow the instructions.

Which Ubuntu?

Now the Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron is out, however installing this version on my tc4400, Alice, was not a good idea :-)
The tablet didn't work at all.

Trying to make my tablet alive, I decided, to install an earlier version.
So second time, I installed Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn.
The tablet works fine, but I've got some other problems, which I will try to solve.