For image editing:
- Gimp
- ImageMagick (convert, mogrify, identify)
- mkbitmap in Potrace
- DjvuLibre-bin (cjb2, djvm)
- PdfJam (pdfjoin)
- Ubuntu's ps2pdf12
- Ubuntu's pdfimages
- InkScape
- FontForge for fonts
For windows programs:
For office stuff:
For E-Books:
Internet tools:
- Firefox with Sun Java 6 JRE plugin for comfort
- Chrome for stability
- FileZilla for FTP
- Transmission for Bittorent
- DC++
- Skype
- Seamonkey for HTML editing
Viewing /editing media:
- Ubuntu Movie Player
- Mplayer & Mencoder
- SoundConverter with MP3 plugin
- Ubuntu Sound Recorder
Burning DVDs, CDs:
System configurations:
File manipulations:
Tablet tools: