2008. augusztus 21.

2008. augusztus 8.

Installing Skype on 64 bit

I found the solution here.
It says:

Gutsy (7.10), Feisty (7.04), and Edgy (6.10) installs:

64-bit install (or upgrade) skype 2.0 (with video):
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2; wget -N boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu; sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb; sudo getlibs /usr/bin/skype
64-bit webcam problems:
See here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634393 for instructions on how to get your webcam to work if it doesn't.

After installing Skype you can run it from your (Applications-->Internet) Menu at the top left of your screen.

2008. augusztus 6.

Using Gnokii

File options:
--getfilelist remote_path
--getfiledetailsbyid [id]
--getfileid remote_filename
--getfile remote_filename [local_filename]
--getfilebyid id [local_filename]
--getallfiles remote_path
--putfile local_filename remote_filename
--deletefile remote_filename
--deletefilebyid id
To get the phone's directory and filelist:
gnokii --getfilelist 'A:\*'
  • --getfilelist 'A:\*' (should show files stored in internal memory)
  • --getfilelist 'B:\*' (should show files stored in external memory, eg. a miniSD or microSD card)
To copy files TO the mobile:
gnokii --putfile /home/username/Desktop/proba.mp3 'A:\predefgallery\predeftones\predefringtones\proba.mp3'

To use GETALLFILES you have to go to the directory you want to copy files.
cd /home/username/Desktop
~/Desktop$ gnokii --getallfiles 'A:\predefgallery\predefrecordings\*'

To get files FROM the mobile:

gnokii --getfile 'A:\predefgallery\predefrecordings\Hang000.amr' /home/username/Desktop/Hang000.amr

or go to the directory you want to copy ad don't type the local path.

Connecting my Nokia 2630 via Bluetooth to Ubuntu

--> gnokii.org

I downloaded a previous version of gnokii from synaptic package manager, then I downloaded the newest gnokii from gnokii.org download site.

As instructed I've run "./configure" and "make" as user and "make install" as root.

Then I edited the configuration file:
sudo gedit /etc/gnokiirc

I had to comment out lines from port, model and connection sections, and I had to uncomment lines for:

model = series40
port = aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
connection = bluetooth
rfcomm_channel = 1

Actually the "model=series40" I had to type in.
To get the mac address of your phone's bluetooth device type *#2820# in your phone.
I checked rfcomm channel with "sdptool search DUN"

In /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf I found that the "Default PIN code for incoming connections" is "1234".

After this, when I run "gnokii --identify" the connection worked, and I used the passkey "1234" for both the phone and the PC.

2008. augusztus 1.

How to play dvd from nrg image

Applications --> Add --> Gmount ISO

sudo mkdir /media/dvd
sudo ln -s /media/dvd /dev/dvd

Gmount ISO --> mount point --> /media/dvd

mplayer dvd://1

that's it.