what just has happened?!
I successfully reintegrated a modified PDF in the original file!
I successfully reintegrated a modified PDF in the original file!
wow! that is definitely a level up in image-pdf editing for me.
pdftk input.pdf cat 2 output page2.pdf
pdfinfo page2.pdfPage size: 595 x 842 pts (A4) pdfimages page2.pdf img
identify -verbose img-000.pbmGeometry: 2496x3440+0+0 Resolution: 72x72 Page geometry: 2496x3440+0+0 Modified the image through Gimp. Open, Edit, Save -> Export -> click Ok whenever needed. convert img-000.pbm -resample 300x300 -resize 2496x3440 img2.ps
identify -verbose img2.ps Geometry: 599x826+0+0 Resolution: 72x72 Page geometry: 599x826+0+0 ps2pdf12 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDRESOLUTION img2.ps page2_v2.pdf
pdfinfo page2test4pdf.pdf Page size: 595 x 842 pts (A4) pdftk A=input.pdf B=page2_V2.pdf cat A1 B A3-end output output.pdf