2015. február 15.

Installing MobiPocket Creator on Ubuntu

First of all, install the latest version of wine.
Seconds, set it to have a 32-bit Wine Prefix :
remove the current Wine settings directory:
sudo rm -r ~/.wine
and then create 32 bit prefix with this command:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg 
Now for Mobipocket Creator to run properly, run this in terminal and follow any instructions:
winetricks ie6 vcrun2005
Apparently creating new mobi books work, but it pops up an error every time you do something. Just ignore these errors and build the book anyway.

do this to have a clear GUI for Mobipocket Creator:
winetricks ie8
This solves the pop-up errors and the incomplete user interface!

Install MobiPocket Creator:
Download from official page,
double click to install with Wine.


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