2015. január 3.

Plex Configuration for various reasons

Restart Plex Server:

~$ sudo service plexmediaserver stop
~$ sudo service plexmediaserver start

Install Plug-in manually:
Plug-in directory: /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/

To install a new plug-in:
the new plug-in's directory name should end with ".bundle" like the existing plug-in directories.
copy the downloaded plugin to the plex plug-in directory
~$ sudo cp -R /download_dir/new_plug-in_dir /plex_plugin_dir/
change the permissions to be like the existing plug-ins (this is not needed in 14.04 anymore)
~$ sudo chmod ugoa+rx /plex_plugin_dir/new_plug-in_dir
change the owner of the files to be like the existing plug-ins
~$ sudo chown -R plex:plex /plex_plugin_dir/new_plug-in_dir
restart plex server as written above.
the new plug-in should show up in plex.

Custom plug-in sources:

works fine for me.

To get AnimeToon working you need to update this file:

UPDATE: a fixed version of the plugin can be downloaded from here.

Add these lines to the end of the file:

###new stuff begins

elif each.find("videozoo") >= 0:
 page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(each)
 string_data = HTML.StringFromElement(page_data)
 find_url = RE_PLAY44.search(string_data).group()
 url = String.Unquote(find_url, usePlus=False)
 return [MediaObject(parts = [PartObject(key = url)])]

elif each.find("playbb") >= 0:
 page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(each)
 string_data = HTML.StringFromElement(page_data)
 find_url = RE_PLAY44.search(string_data).group()
 url = String.Unquote(find_url, usePlus=False)
 return [MediaObject(parts = [PartObject(key = url)])]

elif each.find("easyvideo") >= 0:
 page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(each)
 string_data = HTML.StringFromElement(page_data)
 find_url = RE_VIDEO44.search(string_data).group()
 url = String.Unquote(find_url, usePlus=False)
 return [MediaObject(parts = [PartObject(key = url)])]

elif each.find("playpanda") >= 0:
 page_data = HTML.ElementFromURL(each)
 string_data = HTML.StringFromElement(page_data)
 find_url = RE_PLAY44.search(string_data).group()
 url = String.Unquote(find_url, usePlus=False)
 return [MediaObject(parts = [PartObject(key = url)])]

###new stuff over

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