2008. szeptember 7.

installing nspluginwrapper 1.

I reinstalled feisty, because during trying to install gnash I installed and uninstalled so many packages, I had to make it normal again.

so I downloaded nspluginwrapper 1.0.0 tar.gz, unpacked it, went to the directory, and
sudo make install
during make I got some errors, so I had to install following packages:
  • libc6-dev-i386
  • g++
  • gcc
  • xorg-dev
  • libgtk2.0-dev
  • libc6-dev
I may missed something.
I could install it, but it still doesn't work. I get these error messages:
*** NSPlugin Viewer *** preloader not found
nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for libflashplayer.so

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